EFT Tapping – Emotional Freedom Technique

We all want to lead a more balanced and healthy life, to make sustainable positive changes to our diet and lifestyle and we work so hard to achieve this. There is no lack of information out there, many times we know exactly what we need to do. However why do we always end up slipping back into the same old unhelpful patterns and habits? Settling for lives filled with less than optimal health?
The mind and body are deeply interconnected. Our emotions reach far below the surface, even down to a cellular level, profoundly impacting our physical well-being. These emotions also influence the choices we make in our day to day life, and our ability to sustain positive changes to our health and well-being.
“The mind has great influence over the body, and maladies often have their origin there” Jean Baptiste Molière
This is where EFT Tapping comes in. It is an easy to learn, evidence-based, therapeutic technique designed to unblock the emotional barriers holding us back from creating and sustaining a more balanced, healthy and abundant life. Properly done, EFT frequently reduces the therapeutic process from months or years down to hours or minutes. And, since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, patients often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief.
For this reason, at Health Oasis Resort, we now include a 50 minute online EFT consultation as a part of all our Total Transformation Detox Programs.
How Does it Work? Is there any evidence? How and Where Do You Tap?
We recommend you watch this short 4 min video to learn more. If you want to look into the evidence, this is a good place to start. As of August 2021, 70 randomised control trials, over 55 pre-post outcome studies, 5 meta-analyses and 17 systematic reviews have been published on tapping methods in English-speaking, peer-reviewed journals. In addition, over 80 research studies have been published in non-English journals