FAQ about detox programs commonly asked by our guests

FAQ about detox is a page for all the questions of those interested in embarking on a fasting detox program. It seems to bring up many questions to the minds of those who are interested. As such we have created this FAQ about detox page in the hope to answer any would be questions. If your question is not listed here, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Your detox here will assist you in varying degrees (depending on your selected program) to shift your metabolism, open up space and start building your new life habits.

An expanding toxic habitat , breeds parasitical behavior of bacteria, fungus & viruses which either vibrate more statically on a more dense energy frequency, or migrate to a physical area where they are not supposed to be, causing havoc. In any case it is not the bacteria, fungus or viruses that cause the toxic habitat. It is the toxic habitat/terrain that cause them to malfunction or migrate to another area and cause the development of other toxic habitats there. 

Fundamentally any toxicity build-up, is caused by our restrained energy flow – expression, creativity, passion, contribution, sharing.

This restrain, inhibits our cellular & molecular thermogenesis (heat dispersion), clogs our energy field with unutilized energy & implodes towards auto-immune self-destructive toxic behavior.

Classic example of that accumulated toxicity is the weight gain – which serves as a protective mechanism against systemic collapse, by encapsulating toxicity within liquid clusters (edemas, cysts), mineral deposits (urea, kidney stones) or fat clusters (inflamed tissues, gall stones, tumors). The “stories” of powerlessness, guilt, doubt, shame or denial, we construct about weight gain, have nothing to do with the weight gain itself – but the accumulated toxicity.

From a quantum physics perspective, the increased body weight is a reconfiguration of our energy matrix, spinning more in gravitational fields and less in photonic light fields. Physical Detoxification, dissolves the toxic habitat, hiding in excessive accumulations in liquid, mineral & fat forms, by releasing accumulated cellular memories that no longer serve us – as long as we are consenting to their release. Without physical detox, no lasting change is possible because of the perpetual relapse.

After your detox program we recommend you to continue your life-changing journey  by trying as many of the following methods.

Minimizing toxicity through eating habits    Diluting toxicity    Moving toxicity upwards    Moving toxicity downwards

Extracting heavy toxicity    Neutralizing toxicity    Incinerating toxicity through increased heat      Stress management 

Reduction of sensory stimulation     Increased oxygenation     Alternating metabolic pathways for ATP production    

Breath retention   Light therapies  

We think that we only digest food – but we do digest emotions as well. We accumulate & physically store emotions in cellular clusters of water, mineral & fat and deposit them in corresponding organs & systems. Destructive emotions, indicate a centripetal/counterclockwise, magnetic spin dominance. Classic examples of emotional toxicity are the addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling, sex, tv/social media overload – which are a unsustainable compensation attempt to attain that dopamine-serotonin neurotransmitter/endocrine equilibrium. Yet this is futile, because addictions act as escape mechanisms from either the stress or the apathy – which exacerbate that yo-yo effect between pain & reward. Each slice of reward also intensifies pain, generating a vicious cycle of increasing intensities. That increasing intensity could potentially be beneficial if both pain & reward ends are embraced & integrated into a high dopamine-high serotonin state, through internal endorphin production. 

No emotional balance can be “gained” – unless a mental imbalance of limiting beliefs is consensually “lost”, let go, detoxified.

What is the point of achieving physical & emotional health – if we are mentally confused or spiritually lost?

However without a certain degree of physical & emotional health, there is constant interference on our mental & spiritual equilibrium. We need emotional balance – to help us deeply UNDERSTAND life on a mental level.

Our photonic program is the most recommended detox program for emotional rebalancing, it penetrates all layers and reset our light body, which controls the magnetic sphere of emotions.

See more https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/emotional-molecular-detox/

Destructive thoughts & severely fixed beliefs, indicate an electron-spin-inversion, leaning towards a dominance of a counterclockwise spin. Mental detox is about the evaporation of fixed beliefs that we have been clinging to.

Their evaporation balances the atomic electron spin of clockwise & counterclockwise motion and optimizes our molecular emotional composition. Physical detox heightens mental cognition by optimizing the neural messaging system, the neural cells, their synapses and the space between them. Associations made, are multidimensional rather that linear/sequential and multitasking becomes effortless, preserving extra energy expenditure. Our mental beliefs structure loosens and becomes a fluid open field, because both perception and task implementation, draw & process information from multiple sources simultaneously .

Our photonic program is the most recommended detox program for mental reprogramming, it penetrates all layers and reset our light body, which controls the electron sphere of thoughts. See more https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/mental-atomic-detox/#about-mental-cognitive-detox

All detoxification refers to a spiritual detoxification, spiritual awakening, letting go all fragmented existential identity inventions.

The entire universe detoxifies by default – and reboots every nanosecond. This is what we (& life itself) truly aim for.

Our underlying spiritual detoxification quest, is seeking to peel all layers of the illusion of separation and photonically reveal, the universal quantum nature of all life across any of its diverse manifestations.

If this can be perceived even mentally as a possibility – then it is not only potentially possible but is already activated – because its strength vs any other simulation is its all-inclusivity & selflessness.

Our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual detox serve as a pathway to unclutter all illusions of separation towards the recognition, embrace & celebration of our deepest quantum existential identity.

Each layer detoxified – even partially, pierce “upwards” through the more subtle one and so on.

Once even a brief but repeated contact is made with the spiritual nuclear layer, then our quantum photonic field starts working in the light speed “downwards” adjusting & completely detoxifying all lower fields.

This single choice of belief, massively magnifies the optimal functionality of any point of attention focused , on any layer, by anything invoking it. No spiritual awakening can be “gained” – unless the imbalance caused by an illusionary separation is consensually “lost”, let go, detoxified. We need spiritual awareness of our quantum omnipresence (photonically carried through light) – to help us deeply CONNECT with all life – manifested or not.

Our photonic program is the most recommended detox program for spiritual awakening by activating & resetting our light body frequency on a photonic level. See more https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/spiritual-nuclear-detox/

The Core Cellular Detox focuses the basic detox needs for general health preservation The Molecular Detox focuses on minor health imbalances and some emotional release The Photonic, Nuclear, Ionic & Atomic Detox focuses on major, chronic, systemic conditions and their underlying emotional, mental & spiritual causes

In order to provide you with a more targeted weight management solution, we have enriched our previous Weight Loss program by distinguishing whether

  1. a) weight gain is due to a temporary cause (diet, lack of exercise etc.), is not excessive and is of a minor importance to your overall health – in which case the Molecular Detox -Desired weight loss will serve you just fine OR
  2. b) weight gain is significant, chronic and is associated with other existing health issues/or can be the cause for those other systemic conditions to develop – in which case the Photonic, Nuclear, Ionic & Atomic Detox – Stubborn weight gain, will serve you much better

Almost everyone would welcome some weight loss either for aesthetic or social reasons or simply feel lighter and better – but this is still a desire/want – rather than a necessity/need

Excess weight serves as one of our defense mechanisms. If you are emotionally ready to explore other ways to deal with the underlying cause of weight gain, you will lose lots of weight because you don’t need it any longer. Our 27 year tested protocols can make it really easy. If you need additional emotional assistance to breakthrough, we can help you do that with more available therapies. Most of our guests drop around 0.6kgs/day although it can vary between 0.2kgs-1.2kgr /day depending on how much you need it (not desire it), the level of your surrender, and supportive oxygen, light & sound therapies
If the weight does not serve you any longer, it won’t come back, no matter what you do because your metabolism has been altered. If it comes back would be because the underlying cause wants to create a new defense – not because weight loss was not sustainable
If you can stay on a light diet and off coffee & alcohol for a few days, it would make the transition easier. However it is not essential, because our protocol has factored all these things into the detox programs.
Physiologically hungry would not be possible, because after 36 hours your body’s gastric juices will cease production and your glucogenic metabolism will shift into a ketogenic one, meaning burning your body’s fat to generate ATP energy fuel. Any sensation that resembles hunger in the gut, is release of parasites.
In principal yes. You may even experience a high. But at times healing becomes deep because it has encountered an important thing to work on and utilizes all resources available. That frequently is misinterpreted as weakness, lack of energy but it is far from it. It is just that energy goes to healing rather than entertain our mechanical, habitual perceptions. Just remember that you don’t need to do anything while detoxing, so chill and go with the flow, rest, sleep, have a massage and a few hours later everything is different.
It depends on the medication. If it is an essential medication which you don’t want or shouldn’t stop, we have a protocol on how you can keep taking it without compromising the integrity of your detox or the efficacy of your medication. Disclosing it on your health questionnaire will help us prepare & advise you.

You can use the detox rebooting opportunity to review old habits and drop them if they no longer serve you. Don’t get too ambitious though. It has to be effortless without repression or guilt if you want a sustainable shift.

Experiment with any of the following to any degree you feel comfortable:

Minimizing toxicity through eating habits    Diluting toxicity   Moving toxicity upwards   Moving toxicity downwards   Extracting heavy toxicity   Neutralizing toxicity   Incinerating toxicity through increased heat    

Stress management     Reduction of sensory stimulation    Increased oxygenation    Shamanic Kambo sessions

Breath retention   Alternating metabolic pathways for ATP production   Light therapies  

The quickest, most efficient, safe, deep & sustainable forms of physical detox

Everything is healing – in the sense of life seeking to create a more optimal structure. Disease is a chaotic breakdown of an old inefficient order/structure – serving as an opportunity for reordering/restructuring/healing.
Just like physical exercise destroys muscle tissue in order to build a better one, or like fasting destroys unutilized deposits in order to build more efficient metabolism – it is good & healthy to become temporarily destabilized or even ill – in order to become better stabilized, immunized & healthier.
However that applies only to the temporary – not the chronic. When a disease/breakdown persists – it creates its own fixed structure and becomes resistant to change, seeking to perpetuate itself by identifying with it as its sole reality.
It does so, by establishing a permanent & increasing breakdown/dissolution causing a chronic immune system compromising – and as result the regeneration mechanism gets increasingly inhibited.
Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBNLFJS597E&list=PLbGJxemXHnYrY7hPpB8Xp6UIPnHz0KSWX&index=3

We cannot exorcise toxicity because is undesirable & inconvenient. Toxicity has been chosen as a survival mechanism to prevent systemic collapse and maintain equilibrium. It is not an enemy but an ally. Yet it is supposed to be a temporary helping measure, not a chronic one. When our system’s equilibrium, is compromised and malfunctions, storing excessive, unutilized energy and without adequate & prompt dissolution, this is when we need to intervene by active detoxification, in order to reestablish that equilibrium. Yet the approach should be one of letting go – rather than an attempt of getting rid of something undesirable, because this is a denial of how we got here.

Toxicity can be an opportunity for pause & reflection. Nothing is, what appears to be at first sight – it is a symbolic interpretation of something deeper, especially if is persistent – but the challenge is to decodify it.
Frequently we encounter this experience i.e. A health imbalance can serve as a catalyst for a reset on something more fundamental that functions sub-optimally – an emotional pattern, a mental belief or a spiritual redefinition of our life purpose. A toxicity overload may just be a resistance to integrate new information – and in that case is not the detoxification we need – but instead rewiring what we consider foreign, threatening & toxic.
For more info check https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/intoxication/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n_s5ZXgXQo&list=PLbGJxemXHnYrY7hPpB8Xp6UIPnHz0KSWX

Immunity is not about defense – but about metabolic processing integration.
This is what metabolism does. Integrates the new information into the existing, making it its own.
Every time our immune system rejects, denies, disposes something, – is not because is truly foreign or threatening but because it does not consider it useful to be absorbed & integrated in its existing relevance-chosen reality.
Every time something is – immunologically-speaking – broken down, a more enhanced & a more optimal structure is been built. Fasting breaks down the old as it does physical exercise , sauna , adrenaline etc.
Our inner self is asking for our immune system to be “attacked”, exposed to new information in order to integrate it & optimize its function. Immunity is enhanced, when more choices are absorbed & integrated . In a paradoxical way, from an immunity perspective, embracing & integrating more temporary & limited toxicity may be the best strategy towards the building of a more optimal immune system.
See more https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/immunity-toxicity/ and

The aim is not to attain perfect physical health. Just enough to loosen cellular gravitational density & allow energy flow to penetrate the molecular/emotional/psychological layer – attaining a wider equilibrium.
Yet physical detox rather than being our ultimate aim, It should instead be the 1st step towards sensitization of all the upper layers of our consciousness – leading to an emotional, mental & spiritual equilibrium.
No physical balance can be “gained” – unless an emotional imbalance is consensually “lost”, let go, detoxified.
What is the point of achieving physical health – if we are emotionally disturbed, mentally confused or spiritually lost?
However without a certain degree of physical health, there is constant interference on our emotional, mental & spiritual equilibrium. We need a sufficient physical health – to help us deeply FEEL life on an emotional level.
Explore Physical detox methods https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/physical-cellular-detox/#physical-tissue-detox-methods

The aim is not to attain perfect emotional/psychological health. Just enough to loosen molecular magnetic bonds & allow energy flow to penetrate the atomic/mental/cognitive layer – attaining a wider equilibrium.
Yet emotional detox rather than being our ultimate aim, it should instead be the 2nd step towards sensitization of all the upper layers of our consciousness – leading to a mental & spiritual equilibrium.
No emotional balance can be “gained” – unless a mental imbalance is consensually “lost”, let go, detoxified.
What is the point of achieving physical & emotional health – if we are mentally confused or spiritually lost?
However without a certain degree of physical & emotional health, there is constant interference on our mental & spiritual equilibrium. We need emotional balance – to help us deeply UNDERSTAND life on a mental level.
Explore Emotional detox methods https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/emotional-molecular-detox/#additional-emotional-detox-methods

The aim is not to attain perfect mental/cognitive health. Just enough to loosen atomic-level electrical attractions & allow energy flow to penetrate the nuclear ionic/spiritual layer – attaining a wider equilibrium.
Yet mental/cognitive detox rather than being our ultimate aim, it should instead be the 3nd step towards sensitization of the remaining upper layer of our consciousness – leading to a spiritual equilibrium.
No mental balance can be “gained” – unless a spiritual imbalance is consensually “lost”, let go, detoxified.
What is the point of achieving physical, emotional & mental health – if we are spiritually lost?
However without a certain degree of physical, emotional & mental health, there is constant interference on our spiritual equilibrium. We need mental clarity – to help us deeply KNOW life on a spiritual level.
Explore mental detox methods https://healthoasisresort.com/detoxifying-our-consciousness/mental-atomic-detox/#additional-mental-detox-methods

it is apparent that all detoxification refers to a spiritual detoxification, spiritual awakening, letting go all fragmented existential identity inventions. The entire universe detoxifies by default – and reboots anew every Planck constant nanosecond. This is what we (& life itself) truly aim for, no matter how conscious or unconscious we may be in its regard. Our underlying spiritual detoxification quest, is seeking to peel all layers of the illusion of separation and photonically reveal, the universal quantum nature of all life across any of its diverse manifestations.

Desired Weight Loss, Stress, Ulcer, Ibs & Digestive Issues, Fatigue, Asthma, Skin Conditions, Mental Fog High Cholesterol, Candida, Uti, Liver & Gall Bladder, PMS & Gynecological, Prostate & Sexual Disfunction, Respiratory, High Blood Pressure
Stubborn Weight Gain, Diabetes, Autoimmune Conditions, Psoriasis, Menopause, Hypoglycemia Rheumatoid Arthritis/Fibromyalgia, Stroke/Neurological Conditions, Migraines, Insomnia, Addictions Hormonal Conditions, Heart Conditions, Depression, Emotional Trauma

Almost everyone would welcome some weight loss either for aesthetic or social reasons or simply feel lighter and better – but this is still a desire/want – rather than a necessity/need
When weight gain is due to a temporary cause (diet, lack of exercise etc.), is not excessive and is of a minor importance to your overall health –then the Molecular Detox -Desired weight loss will serve you just fine
When weight gain is chronic, significant and is associated with other existing health issues/or can be the cause for those other systemic conditions to develop –then the Photonic, Nuclear, Ionic & Atomic DetoxStubborn weight gain, will serve you much better

Stress is nothing more than an overload of energy, an energy excess which is not quickly distributed. Yet stress usually obscures this excess’ polar opposite – a deficiency somewhere, something that has been repressed, denied. The revelation of that polarization yo-yo between the excess & the deficiency, redistributes & balances the overall energy. However, temporary, short term stress is good because this is how we evolve & strengthen VS chronic stress which is debilitating. Our Stress program protocols address that in multilayered ways.
Stomach, Small & Large intestine are where information is processed/digested, absorbed/integrated, filtered out/eliminated. We don’t just digest food, we digest & process emotions, thoughts and all kinds of information. Digestive issues have to do with how we process life information. Food has a part but not really as large part as we tend to think. It is not the food that may heal or kill us, it is the mental & emotional pre-decisions of how food will be processed, that determines its physiological effect. Our Digestive issues program protocols take all that into consideration.
Chronic fatigue can be caused by several factors but the common thread is that at some point the system went into an adrenaline overdrive in order to defend something (real or imaginary) and then did not let go when the reason for that defense was no longer present. Because equilibrium is always the name of the game, that overdrive needs to leak and slow down itself because it does not pause when it should. Our Chronic fatigue protocols, factor-in that neurotransmitter rebalancing.
Asthma is a common inflammatory response of the air pathways. Although the inflammation may be specific to respiratory system or allergies, is still an inflammation and if is recurrent, it indicates a chronic inflammation which needs to be dealt with before it degenerates the immune system and develop into a more serious systemic disease. Our Asthma protocols, factor-in the treatment of inflammation of the air pathways & systemic inflammation in general.
The most common and uncomfortable skin conditions are Eczema & Psoriasis. Although they may easily confused because they share symptoms with most prevalent the itching, they are quite different. They are both though inflammatory conditions with eczema a more acute and psoriasis a more chronic inflammation. Ultraviolet light has shown good promise in relieving symptoms but also has far infrared due to its deep cellular gene expression shifts. In short anything that address inflammation in as much deeper level, it is a considerable beneficial factor. Our Skin conditions protocols, factor-in the treatment of skin inflammation & systemic inflammation in general.
Mental fog is not a health condition but a mere symptom which may be caused by an array of reasons. Depression, anxiety, stress, drugs (legal or illegal) or alcohol, insomnia, aging, jet lag, Lyme disease, antihistamines, lupus, hormonal changes during pregnancy, too much screen time … all have been associated with brain fog. One of the most common is menopause. If is temporary, is not something to be concerned about, but when it becomes recurrent or chronic, then it needs to be taken seriously as an indication of a systemic neurotransmitter imbalance affecting the atomic structure of our being. Our mental fog protocols address this “atomic level” disequilibrium, no matter of what triggers it.

Our body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can increase risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is also an inflammatory response which is beneficial to a certain degree. With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Yet high cholesterol is not necessarily a problem either because is a genetic or constitutional trait, or is balanced by high HDL. The most essential thing though is that what matters most is whether the cholesterol is oxidized or not. A simple CRP test would determine whether you have high CRP levels. If you do and have high LDL levels, you are at risk of heart disease indeed. If CRP levels are moderate or low, then it means that cholesterol is not oxidized and therefore not that dangerous.
Its levels always drop with our fasting detox programs but going even deeper into the molecular structure of the cells ensures that there is no oxidation.

We don’t want to cover all conditions here and bore you


Biochemical detox works on the cellular & molecular levels, from the BOTTOM UP, clearing dense energy and making space. Photonic detox works on the atomic, ionic, nuclear & photonic levels, from the TOP DOWN, filling up cleared space. Their combination, provides the deepest, fastest & more sustainable detox effects


Oxygen and Ozone therapies detoxify the body on the molecular level, deeper than anything else. Oxygen/Ozone is the first conversion of Light into matter and essential for all biological life. The 3rd oxygen atom of ozone (03) once it comes in contact with bodily tissue splits into molecular oxygen 02) and atomic oxygen (0). The 02 oxygen molecule does its detox work but most importantly the loose 0 triggers a cascade of even faster detox work.
Sound is almost as deep & powerful as light. Sound Healing vibrations enable you to go into the deeply altered state (the alpha-delta brainwave state) in which healing is stimulated. When a person is nourished with the right kind of sound, the billions of cells in his body start to vibrate & reorganize themselves according to the essence blueprint, in a state of healthy being. It works on the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual level.
Photonic detox works on the atomic, ionic, nuclear & photonic levels, from the TOP DOWN, converting matter into light. The work that the light does is the deepest work possible. It takes time to trickle down to the atoms, molecules & cells but the more space it finds available due to the physical biochemical detox release, the more space will occupy, vibrating the homeostasis of our body. No immediate cure of symptoms should be expected, because these deep therapies do not focus on the removal or the masking of specific symptoms – but instead a systemic equilibrium, no matter of the type of imbalance. Healing is subtle but irreversible. It takes lots of effort and time to reverse light coherency into chaotic one.
Following Chinese meridian pathways, the photonic signatures of homeopathic remedies consolidate the light transmission into the molecular etheric level, by addressing the fundamental light imbalances on the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus , thyroid, parathyroid, thymus & adrenal glands – which control every other system and organs. These glands are what light uses as governors of all bodily biochemical functions & without their photonic balancing, physical & emotional imbalances, relapse onto their entrenched patterns, as we all frequently experience healing to be short-lived. Align the electron spin of the atoms of your cells back to clockwise rotation, reconnect the body-head energetic connections, eliminate electromagnetic radiation, work through light-homeopathy to balance the neurotransmitter-hormonal system
A sequence of Full-Spectrum Light, Pineal Awakening, Tachyonic Amplification, boosts light activation and absorption. – Intense full-spectrum light, balances the endocrine system, particularly the serotonin & melatonin levels, relieves depression, insomnia, inertia, lack of focus. Limited exposure to sunlight exacerbates those and many other conditions and can be balanced by intense full-spectrum light sessions. – The pineal gland is our photonic link with the cosmos and is the master gland instructing the hypothalamus & pituitary glands to operate the neurotransmitter, hormonal & immune systems. – Tachyons are photons “travelling faster than light”. What it means is that information from the “ future’ fuses with information from the ”past” – in order to generate light in the present. Light is a handshake between photons & tachyons. Tachyonic activation brings to the present where we have already gone before we actually do it. A sneak preview of the future- which we designed but forgotten & buried in the past.
Far infrared sessions – emit a light frequency that goes 4cm inside the body tissues (rather than 3 mm of sauna/steam) and trigger cells to emit their own infrared light, while simultaneously detoxifying them of unutilized debris. Although only 48 degrees C, cause the body to sweat profusely and the sweat dropplets are 1/3 of the size of normal sweat.
Crystals are the only physical matter that captures & holds light and can emit it without decay. This is what makes crystals capable of photonically communicating with cellular, molecular & atomic structures/beings and “bring to light” hidden blockages.


Biochemical detox works on the cellular & molecular levels, from the BOTTOM UP, clearing dense energy and making space. Photonic detox works on the atomic, ionic, nuclear & photonic levels, from the TOP DOWN, filling up cleared space. Their combination, provides the deepest, fastest & more sustainable detox effects


Oxygen and Ozone therapies detoxify the body on the molecular level, deeper than anything else. Oxygen/Ozone is the first conversion of Light into matter and essential for all biological life. The 3rd oxygen atom of ozone (03) once it comes in contact with bodily tissue splits into molecular oxygen 02) and atomic oxygen (0). The 02 oxygen molecule does its detox work but most importantly the loose 0 triggers a cascade of even faster detox work.
Sound is almost as deep & powerful as light. Sound Healing vibrations enable you to go into the deeply altered state (the alpha-delta brainwave state) in which healing is stimulated. When a person is nourished with the right kind of sound, the billions of cells in his body start to vibrate & reorganize themselves according to the essence blueprint, in a state of healthy being. It works on the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual level.
Photonic detox works on the atomic, ionic, nuclear & photonic levels, from the TOP DOWN, converting matter into light. The work that the light does is the deepest work possible. It takes time to trickle down to the atoms, molecules & cells but the more space it finds available due to the physical biochemical detox release, the more space will occupy, vibrating the homeostasis of our body. No immediate cure of symptoms should be expected, because these deep therapies do not focus on the removal or the masking of specific symptoms – but instead a systemic equilibrium, no matter of the type of imbalance. Healing is subtle but irreversible. It takes lots of effort and time to reverse light coherency into chaotic one.
Following Chinese meridian pathways, the photonic signatures of homeopathic remedies consolidate the light transmission into the molecular etheric level, by addressing the fundamental light imbalances on the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus , thyroid, parathyroid, thymus & adrenal glands – which control every other system and organs. These glands are what light uses as governors of all bodily biochemical functions & without their photonic balancing, physical & emotional imbalances, relapse onto their entrenched patterns, as we all frequently experience healing to be short-lived. Align the electron spin of the atoms of your cells back to clockwise rotation, reconnect the body-head energetic connections, eliminate electromagnetic radiation, work through light-homeopathy to balance the neurotransmitter-hormonal system
A sequence of Full-Spectrum Light, Pineal Awakening, Tachyonic Amplification, boosts light activation and absorption. – Intense full-spectrum light, balances the endocrine system, particularly the serotonin & melatonin levels, relieves depression, insomnia, inertia, lack of focus. Limited exposure to sunlight exacerbates those and many other conditions and can be balanced by intense full-spectrum light sessions. – The pineal gland is our photonic link with the cosmos and is the master gland instructing the hypothalamus & pituitary glands to operate the neurotransmitter, hormonal & immune systems. – Tachyons are photons “travelling faster than light”. What it means is that information from the “ future’ fuses with information from the ”past” – in order to generate light in the present. Light is a handshake between photons & tachyons. Tachyonic activation brings to the present where we have already gone before we actually do it. A sneak preview of the future- which we designed but forgotten & buried in the past.
Far infrared sessions – emit a light frequency that goes 4cm inside the body tissues (rather than 3 mm of sauna/steam) and trigger cells to emit their own infrared light, while simultaneously detoxifying them of unutilized debris. Although only 48 degrees C, cause the body to sweat profusely and the sweat dropplets are 1/3 of the size of normal sweat.
Crystals are the only physical matter that captures & holds light and can emit it without decay. This is what makes crystals capable of photonically communicating with cellular, molecular & atomic structures/beings and “bring to light” hidden blockages.
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