Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting
For seriously magnified detox & weight loss results our 37 hour Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting “ODDF” program is a new option now available to all our 8+ days Weight Loss & Total Transformation programs. It replaces the 4th- 5th day of our usual detox program for a dry fasting component, meaning absolutely NO food NO liquid & NO water ingested or touched.
Some of the main benefits of ODDF are the following:
Physiological benefits:
- Massively augment the levels of autophagy & eliminate senescent (old) cells
- Selectively incinerate lipid (fat) cells for alternative fuel generation, magnifying fat based weight loss like no other fasting or other method. Furthermore Fat cells find it very difficult to regenerate and it takes a very long and deliberate abuse to bring them back at previous levels creating an irreversible metabolic transformation.
- Rapidly & efficiently eliminate inflamed tissues, edemas, bacterial clusters & tumors
- Promote intense stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system (bone marrow)
- Replace “dead” exogenic water with self-created endogenic “living structured” water
- Purify blood & lymph due to that structured water production utilized
- Alchemize both elements of ATP, oxygen & glucose, generating superior quality ATP without producing metabolic waste
- Redirect resources, usually expended in processing glucose & water, into deep healing
- Reduce the CO2 blood levels, minimizing the energy required for respiration
- Re-program the immune system at its deepest layer, producing new immune cells
- Spark an irreversible detoxification & weight loss. Irreversibility is a key component here. The entire metabolic system gets unplugged” and rebooted with new data.
Emotional benefits:
- Activate our dormant, calcified & shrinking pineal gland, which then starts producing natural opiates, endorphins, DMT and attain a high dopamine – high serotonin flow state promoting emotional satisfaction
- Eliminate through the neurotransmitter rebalancing all types of cravings, all of which have either an emotional origin or an effect to our emotional well-being
- Stimulate the Vagus nerve & the communication between the 2 brains – head & abdominal. That communication holds the key to neurotransmitter production & transport affecting our emotional swings due to hormonal imbalances
- Reduce or eliminate feelings of emotional exhaustion & resignation
- Strengthen our stress tolerance, minimizing our emotional reactions to it
- Dissolve feelings of fear, anxiety, rage, depression, futility which surface as defense reactions to stress or hormonal stimuli.
Mental benefits–
- Prevent or reverse neuro-generative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
- Boost immensely cerebral oxygenation & brain neural activity providing a distinctively heightened cognition, memory, mental clarity & creativity
Spiritual benefits
- Recognize that we seek food as an energetic substitute of the life force
- Stimulate a process of photosynthesis absorbing more directly chi/prana
- Heighten Trust in the Life source & its Abundance, surrendering to our true inner nature
- Dissolve rapidly & deeply karmic storage, cleansing & purifying our Soul
- Redesign & Reboot our Human program
- All mystic sages throughout millennia have been practicing different forms of dry fasting as the most efficient method of releasing “limiting” information & karmic patterns stored in deep tissue and experience unity with the Universal source. No deep spiritual transformation is possible without dry fasting. The only question is how to do it efficiently & safely.
“If you seriously want to achieve your detox or weight loss goals, QUICKLY, DEEPLY, SAFELY & IRREVERSIBLY, ODDF is the alchemy.”
Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting compared to other forms of detox and fasting :
- DF – Dry fasting is estimated to be 3 times more effective than Water fasting or Diluted Fruit juice fasting
- DDF – Detox dry fasting is estimated to be 2 times more effective than mere Dry fasting due to the rapid detox effect that prevents tissue re-intoxication from loose toxicity in the bloodstream
- ODDF – Oxygenated Detox Dry fasting is estimated to be 2 times more effective than Detox Dry fasting due to the massive respiratory (breathing oxygen) & circulatory (ozone insufflations) oxygenation making the difference between
- ODDF Oxygenated Detox Dry fasting VS Water/Diluted Fruit juice fasting a 10-fold better.
Unfortunately it cannot be easily sustained for more than a few days at a time and requires great caution & support before, during & after it. The 37 hours duration is not an arbitrary time period but a rather crucial 36h cycle that needs to be crossed in order to overcome the 1st level of cellular resistance. There are more cycles of resistance at 72h 108h, 216h which have been observed.
Not many have ventured beyond that and documented the changes. In those 37 hours a very precise alchemical metabolic process is triggered and that requires a safe protocol to be followed, by:
- A vast but precise supplemental breathing oxygenation & ozonation schedule
- A comprehensive detox regime (before & after) with mild juices & essential micronutrients to adequately support it.
- An experienced detox centre & health team to support you in that process.

Have more questions? Want to find out more? See our FAQ HERE
We understand it may sound initially a little daunting however it is perfectly safe and has so many powerful health benefits. We have compiled a list of frequently ask questions HERE.