Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting FAQ
Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting FAQ is a page for all the questions of those interested in embarking on a Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting program. It seems to bring up many questions to the minds of those who are interested. As such we have created this FAQ page in the hope to answer any would be questions. If your question is not listed here, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Vegetable Juice vs Fruit Juice fasting?
Fasting from solid food in general – for a number of days has been long associated with an array of health benefits.
– Vegetable juice fasting relieves the digestive system from breaking down solid food However fasting on full strength vegetable juice still requires some digestion and the body perceives it as food due to its fiber content
– Juice fasting behaves in more or less the same way because full strength juice still needs some digestion and the body perceives it as food due to its concentrated content of fructose which converts into glucose in large amounts.
Both vegetable & fruit juice fasting trigger glycolysis for ATP production
Diluted fruit juice vs Water fasting?
– Water fasting eliminates the source of fiber or fructose forcing the body to break down the hydrogen molecules from water and metabolize it to produce glucose & structured water suitable for cellular use.
– Diluted fruit juice fasting (30%-50% strength depending on the juice) has been considered the most balanced way to provide minimal fructose supply much less than the caloric need of the body but sufficient to cover the brain’s glucose needs without any stress.
Both water & diluted fruit juice fasting trigger keto-genesis as an alternative energy fuel source by primarily breaking down fatty acids. Water fasting however although deeper than diluted fruit juice fasting, it causes a stress in the body disproportionate to its benefits. The main reasons are that the processing of exogenic ingested water requires the consumption of a significant amount of energy in order to convert it into structured water able to be assimilated by the cells plus it produces a substantial amount of metabolic waste, which requires even further energy to remove.
Diluted fruit juice fasting on the other hand avoids both battles without compromising the overall caloric restriction which triggers ketosis. The body’s needs are met by ketosis while the brain’s by glycolysis of minute amounts of fructose. That makes the fasting experience smooth yet very effective.
Dry fasting as the name indicates involves either simply no ingestion of water (soft dry fasting) or also no contact with any water source on the skin or other orifice (hard dry fasting).
It is definitely the most challenging form of fasting, forcing the body to move into full ketosis for all its needs producing glucose from the incineration of fat cells and production of structure water from them. However although feels more intense, in fact consumes much less energy that water fasting because it neither needs energy to process & metabolise water nor produce metabolic waste which expend more energy to eliminate it.
Its drawbacks are
a) that it requires a prior detoxification with micronutrients for a few days as a preparation for the shock, and a gradual ketosis during that prep period.
b) elimination of the glucose storage & pre- alkalising the body
c) it cannot be sustained for more than a few days at the most but even within those few days there are distinct& exact cellular resistance/healing cycles so it is essential to strategically enter and exit quickly surfing along those cycles & reaping massive benefits without facing unproductive side effects.
d) is important to exit cautiously with a detox with micronutrients follow-up regime & re-alkalising the body rapidly, counterbalancing ketosis which continues even after the dry fasting ending.
Intermittent fasting & Keto diets?
Intermittent fasting is a relatively recent system of alternating eating & fasting for various but defined time periods through the day or week, covering all types of eating during those periods.
A type of intermittent fasting which has gained more interest lately, is combined with a keto diet which promote different levels of ketosis over time, by limiting the amount of carbohydrates and perhaps protein.
We believe that they are pretty good maintenance tools and is a good idea to follow them as such. However on the aspect of intermittent fasting is not sufficient to create any significant metabolic transformation as it can a full-on fast over a period of days. It takes a minimum of 3.5 days of diluted juice fast or water fast to sweep the digestive system and 7.5 days to sweep the circulatory, lymphatic system and the all the organs. Hours of intermittent fasting are not sufficient to penetrate that cellular realm and reprogram it.
On the aspect of ketosis, keto diets are useful again as maintenance tools but unless deep ketosis is induced during a strict dry fasting by completely draining the glycogen reserves, and then incinerate fat cells and breaching parasitic cellular resistance , the benefits are quite superficial.
What is Detox Dry Fasting – DDF?
First of all we should not forget that Dry fasting (as well as any fasting) does only the 1st half of the job – which is to give the digestive system a break and allow it to release toxins into the bloodstream making them available for further removal by the lymphatic stem via the eliminating organs of skin, bladder, intestines . The 2nd half is governed by how quickly and safely we detoxify the accumulated toxins that run amok in our bloodstream screaming for a way out. The accumulated toxicity we encounter in our environment and lifestyle (externally & internally created) is excessive. On the top of that, our natural homeostasis and self-detoxing ability has been compromised for hundreds of years and that makes detoxification a challenging affair which needs caution, strategy & respect to our limitations.
The above mentioned 4 elements
a) prior diluted fruit juice detox with micronutrients,
b) elimination of glucose storage & pre-alkalising,
c) capture the benefits of the exact resistance/healing cycles
d) exit with a continuing detox with micronutrients & re-alkalising
provide the essential detox requirements that distinguish DF from DDF
What is Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting – ODDF?
ATP, our body’s fuel source is generated by the fusion of glucose with oxygen (by either glycolysis or keto-genesis). Keto-genesis provides substantially superior ATP.
Oxygen is perhaps the most significant element in our body, regulating countless processes. Its relative saturation in our bloodstream in relation to our PH, holds a pivotal role.
In a nutshell, disease thrives in anaerobic environments (glucose dominated) while health in aerobic ones (oxygen dominated). No further justification is necessary.
The massive changes that take place during dry fasting in the mitochondria and the adjustment of oxygen & carbon dioxide levels and PH levels both in respiratory terms as well as circulatory terms, make the oxygen content entering our respiratory system as well as our bloodstream of tremendous significance, offering a unique opportunity to entrain our entire cellular structure with an enhanced new standard of oxygen dominated aerobic life force.
Physiological benefits
– Massively augment the levels of autophagy & eliminate senescent (old) cells
– Selectively incinerate lipid (fat) cells for alternative fuel generation, magnifying fat based weight loss like no other fasting or other method. Furthermore Fat cells find it very difficult to regenerate and it takes a very long and deliberate abuse to bring them back at previous levels creating an irreversible metabolic transformation.
– Rapidly & efficiently eliminate inflamed tissues, edemas, bacterial clusters & tumors
– Promote intense stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system(bone marrow)
– Replace “dead” exogenic water with self-created endogenic “living structured” water
– Purify blood & lymph due to that structured water production utilised
– Alchemise both elements of ATP, oxygen & glucose, generating superior quality ATP without producing metabolic waste
– Incite the pituitary to amplify HGH levels many thousand-fold even after the dry fast end
– Redirect resources, usually expended in processing glucose & water, into deep healing
– Reduce the CO2 blood levels, minimising the energy required for respiration
– Re-program the immune system at its deepest layer, producing new immune cells
– Spark an irreversible detoxification & weight loss. Irreversibility is a key component here. The entire metabolic system gets unplugged” and rebooted with new data.
Emotional benefits
– Activate our dormant, calcified & shrinking pineal gland, which then starts producing natural opiates, endorphins, DMT and attain a high dopamine – high serotonin flow state promoting emotional satisfaction
– Eliminate through the neurotransmitter rebalancing all types of cravings, all of which have either an emotional origin or an effect to our emotional well-being
– Stimulate the Vagus nerve & the communication between the 2 brains – head & abdominal. That communication holds the key to neurotransmitter production & transport affecting our emotional swings due to hormonal imbalances
– Reduce or eliminate feelings of emotional exhaustion & resignation
– Strengthen our stress tolerance, minimising our emotional reactions to it
– Dissolve feelings of fear, anxiety, rage, depression, futility which surface as defence reactions to stress or hormonal stimuli.
Mental benefits
– Prevent or reverse neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
– Boost immensely cerebral oxygenation & brain neural activity providing a distinctively heightened cognition, memory, mental clarity & creativity
Spiritual benefits
– Recognise that we seek food as an energetic substitute of the life force
– Stimulate a process of photosynthesis absorbing more directly chi/prana
– Heighten Trust in the Life source & its Abundance, surrendering to our true inner nature
– Dissolve rapidly & deeply karmic storage, cleansing & purifying our Soul
– Redesign & Reboot our Human program
– All mystic sages throughout millennia have been practicing different forms of dry fasting as the most efficient method of releasing “limiting” information & karmic patterns stored in deep tissue and experience unity with the Universal source. No deep spiritual transformation is possible without dry fasting. The only question is how to do it efficiently & safely.
Direct comparison between all fasting types?
Although all types of fasting trigger a number & a degree of the above mentioned benefits, not all things are created equal. There is a massive multifold difference in the efficacy of the different types as above mentioned from Vegetable & Fruit Juice, up to Water & Diluted fruit Juice, up to Dry fasting, up to Detox Dry fasting, up to Oxygenated Detox Dry fasting.
It is estimated that
Dry fasting is 3 times more effective than Water fasting or Diluted Fruit juice fasting
Detox dry fasting is 2 times more effective than mere Dry fasting due to the rapid detox effect that prevents blood & tissue re-intoxication
Oxygenated Detox Dry fasting is 2 times more effective than Detox Dry fasting due to the massive respiratory (breathing oxygen) & circulatory (ozone insufflations) oxygenation
making the difference between
Oxygenated Detox Dry fasting VS Water/Diluted Fruit juice fasting a 10-fold better
It is a pity that we cannot harness those benefits for longer fasting periods at a time.
But we can always rebuild and go back to it in periodic waves.
What side effects, precautions or dangers I should be aware of?
There would be no danger whatsoever as long as
a) You have no serious health preconditions that you have NOT disclosed to our health managers (if you have any serious health issues we won’t allow you to do it)
b) You follow strictly our safety protocols of detox prior and post dry fasting, alkalizations, oxygenation, ozonation, silence & activity levels
– Your body temperature will most likely be raised producing what it may seem like a mild fever, due to the ketosis and fat cells incineration. It is absolutely desirable, so that a wide range of parasitical clusters is eliminated due to the increased body temperature
– You would most likely experience a sense of having no desire or ability to be active in both physical or mental ways. You will feel like a zombie.
– Furthermore you may even feel a sensation of existential void, which is an unusual and rather uncomfortable one to our usual busy mind. However it is essential for stilling our body & energy field in order to effect maximum healing. This is not weakness but rather our inner being’s wisdom requesting minimum clutter and interference.
– See below comments on hunger, thirst, muscle mass loss, dehydration, physical activity limits, silence.
– Contrary to any expectation there would be no actual hunger. Occasionally there may be a short sensation of abdominal movement or“ a vacuuming sensation” in either the 3rd chakra or the belly button. It may resemble hunger but is not. Hunger is never felt on the abdomen but rather on the upper part of the palate in our mouth. That abdominal sensation is actually the parasites starving due to the deprivation of their anaerobic glucose fuel. It takes years of accumulated fasting days to detect that subtle difference.
Of course you would feel thirst which will intensify after the 24 hours and peak between 30-36 hours when parasitic cellular memories will lay their 1st level of resistance against their impending elimination. However because your ODDF 37 hours will commence at 8 pm, you will encounter the resistance during the night and it will pass much easier. This has been carefully designed in that way , so it can facilitate your experience and bypass conscious resistance during waking hours.
There would be no muscle mass lost in 37 hours of dry fasting. The body would have to exhaust the majority of its fat cells before start dissolving muscle cells and that requires more than 10 days of continuous dry fasting of a lean person and much more of an overweight person.
Wouldn’t I be seriously dehydrated?
You would definitely be dehydrated but
a) this is intentional and not a collateral damage
b) you will be supported by extra electrolytes just before and right after
c) this dehydration is very limited in duration to cause any alarm
d) in any case due to the ketosis underway you will be producing internally from the fat cells breakdown all the water you need and in fact you will be urinating at least 750ml-1lt depending on your body weight and gender
It has been demonstrated that based on the medical principle of short & controlled dehydration is beneficial while long & uncontrolled one is dangerous
The key principle behind the detox dry fasting and its ketosis effects is Hormesis :
‘a process in which exposure to a low dose of a chemical agent or environmental factor that is damaging at higher doses induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cell or organism’. It resembles to a degree the homeopathic principles.
What kind of oxygenation is used?
You will be administered 2 types of oxygenation, a respiratory one by breathing oxygen and a circulatory one by an anal/vaginal ozone insufflation to effect a direct assimilation onto the blood stream through the capillaries. Both types of oxygenation will be at precise flows, duration and frequency during that dry fasting period .
Is breathing oxygen dangerous?
There is a great misconception about breathing 100% oxygen that can be dangerous. However you can never breathe 100% pure oxygen even if the device produce it. The main reason is that during inhalation it blends with the surrounding air diluting its concentration to around 28%-36% on the average. However that very small difference from the 21% oxygen content of ambient air, produces massive results (not only short term but also accumulative long term ones) as all patients with respiratory problems can attest to. In fact any possible “toxicity” of pure oxygen is not because of breathing too much oxygen, but because of breathing too little carbon dioxide. The equilibrium between the 2 (and in relation to the changes in respiratory & blood PH), are what matters and that is the reason behind the oxygenation component of our ODDF.
Why is the oxygenated dry fasting period 37 hours?
The 37 hours duration is not an arbitrary time period but a rather crucial 36h cycle that needs to be crossed in order to overcome the 1st level of cellular parasitic resistance.
There have been observed more cycles of resistance at 72h 108h, 216h each of which becomes increasingly more intense.
Not many people have ventured beyond that and documented the changes.
Why is essential to stay in silence?
Believe it or not Speaking would be the most energy consuming activity you will engage in. Every word you mutter has an energy cost, way more than you could possibly imagine. So it is highly advisable that you refrain from all speaking and use it only in emergencies and still brief. Even in emergencies you should write short messages rather than speaking
You don’t have to take our word for it, you can try it and then regret it dearly.
It is not accidental that most meditation retreats are silent.
Can I exercise or do yoga during that period?
Nope. Don’t even think about it even if you feel that you have the energy for it. It would disrupt the inner alchemical process underway and is not worth it. Stillness is king now.
Short leisurely walks and light slow stretches are fine. Is generally better to do less rather than more. You can always catch up later
None of the above. This is a hard dry fast period and no contact with any water source should be made, so the maximum benefits are harnessed in the least time.
Absolutely. Not only you can but you should expose yourself to the early morning or late afternoon sun. The purpose is not sun tanning but rather sunbathing when the sun’s strength is not brutal. Consciously sunbathing will alchemise how your skin receives & photosynthesises prana.
Let’s not forget the close links between prana & light & oxygen & ozone
Activation of any of the 4, boosts the other 2 or 3.
Prana gets principally transported in our body through light & oxygen.
UV light converts oxygen into ozone.
Ozone protects us from UV radiation of light.
Higher oxygen saturation via any oxygen or ozone source improves prana absorption
Also let’s not forget the link between oxygen & carbon dioxide both inside our body (in respiration and in blood chemistry) as well as in nature with plant kingdom absorbing carbon dioxide and release oxygen while we humans do the reverse.
Finally the link between our blood chemistry with chlorophyll (plant chemistry) both of which are molecularly identical with exception of 1 atom that distinguish the colour red or green.
All these links point more intensely to the uniting principles that govern our lives and our environment.
Can I do oxygenated detox dry fasting or any dry fasting by myself at home?
The combination of all the components included in this program, the detox regime credibility , the on-site support by a health team and staff ready to serve your needs, the comfort, the seclusion & controlled environment, the safety aspects, the presence of other like-minded and like-committed fasters, all provide the optimal environment for such a transformative process.
At home it is difficult to gather & control all these factors to a satisfactory level that you will feel confident of the safety and maintain the self-discipline to go through it. This is why hundreds of thousands of people go to detox centres, not for having a holiday but for reliably achieve their health goals.
We don’t need to obtain the expertise to build a car every time we wish to travel on land. We just buy or rent a vehicle, utilising an existing know-how.
However there are self-motivated individuals who possess the self-discipline to exhaustively research, experiment, fail and retry. However although in the general fasting field this is ok, when the line of abstaining from water is crossed, then the stakes get higher and experimentation cannot be applied lightly because the consequences can be severe if natural laws are not respected.
This is the underlying principle. Natural laws need to be observed, respected and aligned with no matter of where or how a transformation is attempted.
Why do an Oxygenated Detox Dry Fasting at the Health Oasis Resort & not in another detox centre?
There are no other detox centre worldwide doing anything like that, not even remotely.
This is not strange at all. The experience that is required for the design, test & implementation of such an elaborate program needs a very special passion and cannot be motivated by business or fashion. It needs to be something to believe and follow as a lifestyle and as a health & spiritual path.
This 37 hour “DRY DETOX FASTING” add-on program has been inspired by and designed based upon:
1. The Breatharian movement’s strictly spiritual insights since the early 1990’s
2. The 20+ years extensive medical research -although unknown till very recently- of Russian scientist Dr Filonov, a research which has been strictly physically focused
3. The Health Oasis Resort founder’s Mel Loverh 24y direct fasting experimentation & observations with all types of fasting, and 23 years of hands-on experimenting with dry fasting variations. His motivations have been both physical & spiritual, connecting & clarifying important principles which were either bypassed or ignored by the 2 traditions. Dry & Breatharian fasting regimes have been the backbone of Mel’s personal, health & spiritual journey and he now feels that is time to share it openly & responsibly.